University of St Martin - Educational Conference

Conference Proceedings
Conference Poem
Free public lectures - Tuesday, October 10
Wednesday, October 12 - Official opening
Thursday, October 12
Friday, October 13
Keynote and Guest Speakers
Papers and Speakers
Guidelines for moderators
Accommodation tips
Conference Proceedings

We shall soon be publishing St. Martin Studies. It will be a volume with two parts.
The first part ("Re-Thinking Education in the Caribbean") will comprise the Conference Proceedings (2006.1). The second ("Miscellaneous") will include other articles related to the Caribbean and/or education (2006.2).

St. Martin Studies (2006.1-2) will be sold at the USM and used as reading material for some USM courses.





3      Introduction

5       Educate me – Lenworth WILSON JR.

7      Welcome Speech – Mrs. Sarah WESCOTT-WILLIAMS

9      Key to a Brighter Future: A vision for higher education in the new St. Martin – Josianne FLEMING-ARTSEN

13    Three Decades of Innovation in Caribbean Education Systems: why some succeed and others don’t – Zellynne JENNINGS-CRAIG

33    Dealing with the Historical Paradoxes of a Globalised Educationalization: a way to write the “new” cultural history of education? – Marc DEPAEPE

45    Keep the Heaps Together! Diversity, citizenship, and education. St. Martin as a Caribbean immigration metropolis, lessons from Amsterdam and vice versa – Iwan SEWANDONO

53    Pedagogy, Identity, and Politics. Educating in an identity (ethnic) crisis context: A study of the French West Indies case – Max BÉLAISE

61    The American University of the Caribbean: Montserrat’s loss, St. Maarten’s gain – Gracelyn CASSELL

69    The General Agreement on Trade in Services and Education in the Caribbean: Three case studies – Marguerite E. CUMMINS-WILLIAMS

89    The Evolution of Science Curricula in Developing Countries and the Issue of Relevance – June GEORGE

95    Letting the Voiceless Tell Their Stories. Using oral sources for Caribbean history writing: yet more biased accounts? – Milton A. GEORGE

101  What the Tamarind Tree Whispers: Notes on a pedagogy of tragedy – Francio GUADELOUPE

105  Changing Times – Creating Inclusive Schools – Yegin HABTES

117  Does Block Scheduling Decrease Instructional Time? A look at St. Croix’s five public secondary schools using four block schedule types – Jeannette J. LOVERN

127 The Concept of Good Governance as a Practical Guide in Education for Public Administration – Rob PAULUSSEN

133 Social and Emotional Learning: Is it the missing piece in our schools? – Marilyn ROBB

139 Understanding Linguistic Diversity in Caribbean Classrooms: Ethnographic methods for teachers – Peter SNOW

143 Decolonizing the Educational System on St. Martin, or How to Teach Globalization under the Flamboyant Tree – Maria CIJNTJE—VAN ENCKEVORT


151  Progressive Education: An Alternative or an Illusion? About the implementation of educational innovations in Belgium and elsewhere [PowerPoint] – Marc DEPAEPE

161  Planning and Leading Change: Creating a new model for the implementation of a teacher education program on St. Maarten – Josianne FLEMING-ARTSEN

165  Getting the Job Done! Let the Sisters Speak. Historical development of Catholic education on St. Maarten (1890-1990): an oral history account – Milton A. GEORGE

177 Doing Theology in a Caribbean Context: The Caribbean and the challenges of becoming oneself – Milton A. GEORGE

185  Making Sense of the Afro-Caribbean Concubinage from a Canon Law Perspective – Milton A. GEORGE

195  What Their Modernity Can Teach Us: Exploring the linkages between the Black Atlantic identity formations in the Caribbean and consumer capitalism – Francio GUADELOUPE

201 How to Define St. Maarten Culture? – Charlotte HAGENAARS

205 Educating Our Teachers in the Caribbean for the 21st Century: Challenges and prospects – Zellynne JENNINGS-CRAIG

223 A Kingdom Identity: Mirage, Illusion, or Vision? Some allochthonous ponderings on the European and Caribbean Dutch, unequal equals with an elusive common identity – Silvio Sergio SCATOLINI APÓSTOLO

233 Some Thoughts on Education as Bildung – Silvio Sergio SCATOLINI APÓSTOLO

237 Some Thoughts on the Meaning of Education in the Learning Society - Silvio Sergio SCATOLINI APÓSTOLO

241 Some Thoughts on Jean-Paul Sartre and Education - Silvio Sergio SCATOLINI APÓSTOLO

243 Otto Huiswoud: Political praxis and anti-imperialism – Maria VAN ENCKEVORT

253 Information about the authors






